Monday, January 3, 2011

Best of 2010

Yep. It's that time again... time to list the best of the year. Since this is the music blog, then let's start with my best musical moments of the year.

Bear Hands - "What a Drag"
The El Ten Eleven show - A-mazing.
Local Natives - Gorilla Manor - Completely beautiful album.
The Love Language - Libraries
Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
Best Coast - "Boyfriend"
Freelance Whales at Black Cat
The Dead Weather with Brooke at 930 Club
First Aid Kit - "Tiger Mountain Pleasant Song" video
Guided By Voices!!
Netherfriends - "Friends With Lofts"
Jeff Mangnum re-emerges for a show in NYC that exploded online.
Sleigh Bells - Treats
Warpaint - "Elephants"
Spoon - Transference

1 comment:

  1. I only bought two albums on iTunes this year - Arcade Fire's The Suburbs and The Black Key's Brothers.
    And I've only heard Best Coast's "Boyfriend" song, but I like their sound.
    Looking forward to hearing what you dig in 2011!
